Following the crisis circumstance, the zoo gave a code one — the zoo’s code for a crisis circumstance including a perilous creature — and a police activity started.

The zoo held a question and answer session not long after the occurrence and affirmed that all creatures are currently protected in their walled in area and there were no wounds to visitors or staff.

Taronga Zoo delegate Simon Duff said during a public statement as per Australia’s ABC, “that it was under 10 minutes between the lions leaving their principal show and the full crisis reaction.”

— Taronga Zoo (@tarongazoo) November 1, 2022

Duff said that four of the lions “smoothly advanced back their displays and lairs” and one lion whelp was securely sedated.

At the point when the episode started, the lions were seen in a little region “nearby the primary lion display where a six-foot wall isolated them from the remainder of the zoo.”

While the zoo knows nothing about what caused the episode, Duff said that it will stay open and that a full survey is currently in progress. “I’m extremely pleased with and I need to thank all the staff and our visitors that were immediately today, who acted smoothly and guaranteed the fruitful result,” Duff said.

As per its site, Taronga Zoo is home to seven lions, including five fledglings and two grown-ups.