Here are the 5 most effective experiences that I had with escape room games. These might help you to become a better escape room game player.

1. Choosing The Room

This is very important to understand that the theme of the game matters a lot here. It is untrue that an escape room game specialist can crack any game theme. No! You cannot enjoy or struggle in a theme that you cannot relate to. Finding a different game can be little intimidating and interesting too but for a beginner, getting a familiar theme is what I recommend.

2. Go For A Good Team

In my earlier experiences, I always used to do it my way. That simply means that I have chosen my own team in prior by taking most of my friends. Often you don’t recognize a fact that your friends might not take the games too seriously. I am just generalizing it from my perspective but in my experience, experiencing the games with strangers can be a little more intimidating and fruitful and you do not follow a code of conduct but remain more focused on the game itself.

3. Do Not Miss Out The Clues

It is important to understand that everything possible thing that you experience has some relevance and game creators very well understands the relevance of time here. So, even if it is a matchstick, pick it and find out if it can become the source of a new discovery.

4. Open Out and Communicate

Even the most passive players are found to be communicative in the escape room game and there is very relevant reason behind it. It is just that you are provided with a time limit and a purpose. Without effective communication, you cannot reach out to your goals. Communicating also means exchanging views, ideas and experiences. This in turn serves to the situation.

5. Aim For Enjoying Rather Than Winning

Many players who have a good amount of escape gaming experience understand a fact very well that the game is definitely about successfully escape the room but enjoying the challenges and situations carries a huge value when you see through it. A game which you don’t enjoy cannot be easily cracked.

Wrapping Up :

Escape room gaming can become a fascinating experience if you enjoy it, give your full efforts  without caring much about the victory. Victory automatically happens if you play it right with your full potential. Anyway, you learn, adapt and grow more with each attempt and that is what matters the most. Imbibing these strategies can help you grasp and enhance the whole experience in a more better way.