The UK study includes a list of the ten most neglected items when it comes to a good wash, with more than 41% of people admitting to never washing the pillows (opens in new tab) they currently sleep with. Having a refreshed and clean bedroom environment is paramount to your sleeping success, so it’s worth checking out exactly how to clean your pillows (opens in new tab) properly before you get stuck in. When it comes to the least laundered items, it seems that bedrooms suffer the most from a lack of deep cleaning. The full list of the least laundered items includes:
34% of respondents have never cleaned their curtains and only 18% of people factor them into an annual clean.24% of respondents have never washed their current duvet, with 12% washing theirs every six months.The average length of time between bedding washes was 18 days. 1 in 10 have not changed their bedding in the last six months.62% of the respondents hadn’t cleaned their washing machine in the past six months.Only 15% of respondents have washed their sofa or bed throw in the last year.
According to the survey, kitchen items could do with a refresh as well, with only 10% of people ever washing their cleaning cloths and 21% of people washing their tea towel only once a week, against experts claims’ that they should be washed every day.
How often you should wash certain household items?
If the thought of unwashed home items and appliances makes you squirm, then you’ll probably want to know how to factor these items into your cleaning routine. Claire Lancaster, a representative from Surcare, says “Many of the items that are being neglected can be washed in domestic washing machines, and these jobs only need to be done every few months so it really is a case of planning in a bit of a deeper clean once a quarter to make sure that your home is as healthy as it possibly can be”. Claire recommends vacuuming any rugs in your home and any curtains once a week, which is an easy step to incorporate into your normal cleaning routine. Cleaning curtains can be made much easier with the help of the best handheld vacuums (opens in new tab), which you can lift up to any hard-to-reach areas. To maintain your bedroom as a haven of relaxation and cleanliness, Claire recommends not only washing your pillow covers and sheets every week but paying close attention to your mattress (opens in new tab) to avoid dust bites building up. After all, learning how to clean your mattress (opens in new tab) properly will help it last longer, and provide you with a peaceful night’s sleep for years to come. Pillowcases and duvet covers should be cleaned at 60°C if possible so that any harmful bacteria is duly eradicated. The best top load washing machines (opens in new tab) can take care of these fabrics with ease, but don’t forget that your laundry appliance needs a little care itself from time to time too. The recommendation from experts is that washing machines should be deep cleaned (opens in new tab) once a month, due to their damp conditions making them a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Other items that might slip under your cleaning radar include towels. Claire recommends that these should take a turn through the washing machine after every three to four uses and that any cleaning cloths used around the house should be cleaned weekly too. Though it may seem overwhelming, paying a little more attention to items like towels and curtains will be beneficial in the long run, and will reduce the risk of allergens and illnesses in your family. With spring cleaning season upon us, now is a great time to deep clean all of those areas you might have forgotten. If you don’t have the time or energy to keep it all sparkling clean yourself, why not employ the help of one of the best robot vacuum cleaners (opens in new tab), and tick one chore off your list without lifting a finger.