The burst was lighted at around 9:30 a.m. in the second-floor homeroom at Dinwiddie Secondary School, Dinwiddie Province Government funded Schools authorities said in an explanation.

The alarm was pulled and all understudies were emptied from the structure, authorities said.

An instructor was taken to a nearby clinic and three understudies were raced to VCU Clinical Center, including one who was shipped by clinical helicopter, authorities said.

A fourth understudy was treated at the scene for a minor consume and delivered. Senior Beth Piland told the station CBS6 that she was left “damaged” in the wake of watching her cohorts burst into flames before her eyes.

Piland said her educator was showing compound responses when a blast occurred and ignited a fire that spread to the first and second columns of understudies in the study hall.  “I saw my companions begin consuming,” the high schooler described. Piland said understudies’ countenances and other body parts became immersed on fire and they were shouting in torment as the educator was attempting to extinguish the flares.

Depicting one of the casualty’s wounds, Piland said: “His hair was firm. His skin was stripping and his lip was busted.” Different understudies at the school were likewise shaken by the occurrence.

“It might have been me or anyone,” senior Alanna Perkins told ABC8. “It’s truly miserable that it occurred at a school where you assume you should be protected at.”