On Wednesday, the Okmulgee Police Division declared that four companions — Mark Chastain, 32; Billy Chastain, 30; Mike Flashes, 32, and Alex Stevens, 29 — have been absent since Sunday.


“Every one of the four are dear companions and are accepted to have left Billy Chastain’s home on the west side of Okmulgee on Sunday at around 8 PM,” the division said in an explanation via virtual entertainment. “All were supposedly on bikes. Two of the men are accepted to have phones with them, yet endeavors to call go directly to voice message.”

Mark, Billy, and Mike were accounted for missing by Mark’s significant other on Monday night, while Alex’s mom revealed him a couple of hours after the fact.

The division said there are no indications of treachery “as of now” in the examination, yet they are getting help from the Region 25 Savage Wrongdoing Team.

Because of meetings with possible observers, specialists set Steve at a smoke shop in south Okmulgee late Sunday evening.

— Blue Wave Agent 003 (@MyFateMyDestiny) October 13, 2022

Another observer revealed seeing Billy and Mark close to a nearby YMCA on Monday morning. Okmulgee police said they are attempting to affirm the sightings.

Individuals contacted Okmulgee Police Office on Thursday evening for more data.

Mark’s mobile phone was followed to an area in South Okmulgee, however it was since switched off or lost power.

“Officials have actually taken a look at that area and saw as no indication of any of the men,” Okmulgee police said in the proclamation.

In a report on Wednesday, police boss Joe Prentice said he taught search groups to rest for the evening.

“Team examiners have met,” he said. “These men are depleted. I’m sending them home to get refreshed and we will begin new tomorrow, except if something opportunity delicate comes in over night. I don’t want to give any extra updates until tomorrow.”

On Thursday morning, Prentice said there was no new data to “base a hunt on,” and that the division would zero in its endeavors on surveying observation film “from the way we accept they voyaged and following up reports of sightings today.” Mark’s significant other, Jessica Chastain, told NBC associate KJRH that the companions for the most part remain nearby home.

“They don’t go the distance — never,” she told the station.

“Assuming they’re alive, somebody’s keeping them locked down or something,” she later added. “Be that as it may, I don’t see four developed men being kept prisoner by one individual.”