Backup option on 3DS, photo courtesy of Joystiq.

What is Backup Good for?

Let’s say you’re enjoying a relaxing day on the beach, when your little brother runs up to you, dripping water all over your precious game system! As we all know, water and electronics do not mix. Now, with a broken 3DS, all of your precious save data is lots! All those hours of Zelda and Mario Kart gone, POOF!

Well, had you backed up your same data to an SD card, you would simply need to buy a new 3DS (or used, if you’re feeling frugal) and pop the card in, and voila! All your saved data safe and sound.

Now, that is a worst case scenario. I don’t know many people who’ve lost their game systems to water damage, but you never know. A more practical reason for backing up saved data would be due to a lack of space on your 3DS. With Nintendo’s new feature, you can fill up multiple SD cards with backups of saved data from the many games in your library.

What do you think?

Regardless of why one may need to use a backup tool, it is generally comforting to know you at least have to option to externally save your save data, in the event of a serious 3DS catastrophe!

For all you 3DS users out there, do you see yourself using the backup? Or are you confident that you will never be kicking yourself for not backing up those save files?

As always,

Comment below, game hard, and stay safe!