Ej Lightsey Shot In Fitzgerald GA Shooting EJ Lightsey was shot in Fitzergerald, GA shooting. Nonetheless, specialists or police have not expressed anything connected with the episode.


It is uncertain assuming he was the objective of the shooters or something might have happened that caused gunfire. His family has not reacted to the inquiries yet.

They might be in the clinic to care for him and conceivably need time before they inform people in general and address the inquiries.

As indicated by 247 Sports, the unmistakable player from Fitzgerland Hurricane was named Peach State’s Class AA Defensive Player of The Year by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in 2021.

He likewise partook in the GACA All-Star Classic in 2021. In 2020, he played LB and DE as a lesser while assisting Fitzgerald to a Georgia AA with expressing second place finish. It is disheartening to hear the news, and we can ponder who might do something awful to such a youthful secondary school understudy.

What Befell EJ Lightsey? Netizens stress that EJ Lightsey has been shot in his old neighborhood. Many fans and family members are petitioning God for his wellbeing.

Furthermore, one of his family members, conceivably his sister Zendra posted an irate emoticon, and it appears she was communicating her indignation at the person who shot her brother (Possibly). In the remarks segment, she had informed that he was moved to Albany and requested that everybody keep him lifted. Accordingly, everybody has been petitioning God for him to recover soon.

Is EJ Lightsey Dead? EJ Lighsey isn’t dead yet. Be that as it may, individuals said he was taken to the medical clinic in basic condition. Be that as it may, it is as yet muddled how he is doing as of now.

Some cyberians said that he was in stable condition in the remarks. By and by, his family has not been educated with regards to his medical issue yet. They just said that he was moved to Albany.

In this manner, we could ask that he would get back perfectly healthy. Everybody is anticipating getting the subtleties of the occurrence and seeing him back in the field.