It occurred around 8:36 p.m. on the 2200 block of North twentieth Road.

Police say a two-year-old kid was hit by something like one projectile in the right half of his back.

The kid has two scales to his back, however police say they are don’t know whether it was an entry and leave wound.

He was taken to Sanctuary College Medical clinic, where he was put in a basic condition.

The conditions encompassing the shooting are still being scrutinized.

“All we know is that the house was involved by a few group eventually when this young man was shot,” Delegate Chief John Stanford said.

Cops hung tight external the house for a court order as a feature of the examination.

“This 2-year-old ought to have the option to play, live and be free, and not need to stress over battling to endure a shot injury,” Stanford said.

— CBS Philadelphia (@CBSPhiladelphia) September 25, 2022

As per our Activity News information reporting group, as of September 21, 166 kids under 18 have been shot in Philadelphia. That is up from 156 around this time a year ago. Of these youngsters, 23 were shot dead.

No captures were made and police say no weapon was found.