Police authorities said that Musadik Hussain was captured in Morigaon and Ikramul Islam, was captured from adjoining Nagaon.


The pair were fleeing for north of a month and they were related with minister Mufti Mustafa, who had been prior captured.

Prior, one madrasa was destroyed in Morigaon after thought dread connections with the AQIS supported ABT, a Bangladesh-based fear outfit.

Four confidential madrasas in Assam have been annihilated in three regions in the beyond one month over the supposed connections with the fear outfits and endeavors to set up “jihadi sleeper cells” in the northeastern state.

Since April this year, Assam Police have captured around 40 dread suspects in association with AQIS-upheld modules and a severe vigil is being kept up with, especially in the minority-ruled areas of western and focal Assam.

A large number of the prisoners are imams at mosques or instructors at private madrasas.

Last week, the residents of Pakhiura Char in Goalpara locale willfully crushed a confidential madrasa that had utilized two thought Bangladeshi nationals connected to jihadi dread outfits

The Assam government had given over a portion of the instances of “jihadi fear modules” to the NIA after fundamental examination.

Boss Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, who likewise holds the Home portfolio, said that Assam has turned into a hotbed of “jihadi exercises” and furthermore reported that strict educators at mosques and madrasas in Assam will be expected to enlist themselves on an administration gateway assuming they come from outside the state.

Following the capture of numerous jihadi frameworks, the northeastern states what share a line with Bangladesh have moved forward the carefulness.

Police and knowledge authorities in Agartala and Shillong independently said the severe reconnaissance over the jihadi exercises have additionally strengthened and knowledge inputs between the different security organizations being shared for going in additional direction.

Meghalaya Director-General of Police Lajja Ram Bishnoi said in Shillong that in the wake of getting the contributions of jihadi exercises in Assam, headings have been given to all the police headquarters and stations especially in those areas having borders with Bangladesh to keep a nearby watch on the lining towns.

“Our insight authorities and police work force are ready over the jihadi exercises,” the cop told the media.

In Agartala, a senior cop said that Border Security Force (BSF) officers and individuals of the lining regions have been made aware of keep a nearby watch in their particular regions.

The three frameworks, who were as of late captured in Tripura for their connections with the prohibited Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB), have been consequently taken to Assam as a component of the examination against the jihadi gathering.

Knowledge authorities found joins between these three people with the four captured in Bhopal in April for their alliance to the JMB.

A senior Tripura police official on Monday said that issues connected with unlawful migration of Bangladeshi public in Tripura were evaluated at a general gathering of the top police authorities.

“It has been concluded that significant cases connecting with the unlawful passage of Bangladeshi nationals into Tripura would be moved to a Special Investigation Team shaped at Tripura Police Crime Branch.This is to empower and guarantee thought, centered and start to finish examination in a joint effort with other security organizations working in Tripura and at the Central level to distinguish coordinated networks engaged with such enemy of public exercises,” the authority told IANS.

He expressed that in the new beyond countless unlawful Bangladesh nationals were captured and explicit cases were enrolled with different police headquarters of Tripura.

Up until this point, six significant cases have been moved for examination to the SIT of Crime Branch, the authority said.