A game that took 23 years to get released. This game is known as 1993 Space Machine.

From the game’s page on Steam:

The story is thus: Towards the end of the interstellar wars, a group of elite mercenaries led by the infamous Colonel Nestor got their hands on a device that can terraform barren planets and make them inhabitable. The device is known as the Space Machine. With this device and the rest of their pilfered treasures, Nestor and his men have started to build a formidable army. Your mission, as the player, is to retrieve the Space Machine.

1993 Space Machine was developed by Modesty, a group of four teenagers from Sweden, in 1993. It was about to be released for the Amiga line of PCs sold by Commodore, however, it was abandoned due to drama within the team. The game also needed a new game engine to run on more popular pieces of hardware, since by 1993 the Amiga was waning in popularity.

Now, with a new game engine, that teenage dream has been realized.

From the game’s website:

Game Designer Krister Karlsson is overjoyed that the game has finally seen release:

An Xbox version of the game is also apparently in the works.

The game can be purchased at a 10% discount from now until April 4.